GLOBAL EVANGELISM is the focus of 3 Angels Mission Operation: Planet Earth is our mission field.  Jesus is coming soon!


  “And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come"                                                                                                            —Mathew 24:14 KJV 

At 3 Angels Mission Operations, we are...

  • Organizing volunteer-based evangelistic missions all over the world!
  • Training volunteers to travel to  preach, operate medical and dental health clinics, build churches, and schools!
  •  Training local volunteers to continue ministering and nourishing the new converts to the advent message!
  • Weekly Sabbath School lessons and weekly sermons!

Please partner with us to carry out the Gospel Command of “Go Ye” by making your tax deductible contribution today to lead souls to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!

Charlene West, Missions Coordinator

Charlene West comes to 3 Angels Missions from Quiet Hour Ministries, where she worked for nearly 18 years. As QHMʼs Executive Director of Evangelism, she gained much experience, knowledge and enthusiasm for evangelism, development of projects, and fundraising. Through her work in coordinating evangelism meetings she developed close relationships with other ministries, such as Voice of Prophecy, It Is Written, Amazing Facts, ShareHim, and the worldwide SDA church. In her position with 3 Angels Mission, she will be coordinating the mission projects and events and handling the fundraising activities.

Copyright © 2018.  3 Angels Mission Operations, Inc.  A 501 (c) 3, Non Profit Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.